Biological Framework for a Mathematical Universe

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The mathematical universe hypothesis is a theory that the physical universe is not merely described by mathematics, but is mathematics, specifically a mathematical structure. Our research provides scientific and historical evidence that this mathematical structure of the universe is biological in nature, and; all things within the universe contain biological patterns which can be revealed and understood through mapping correspondences to the physiological patterns of living organisms. Living organisms are a result of this biological universe and culminate the universe’s biological patterns. Our paper illustrates the relationship between biology’s patterns and the nature of the universe by exploring various analogies—structurally mapping a red blood cell to a coffee cup; proteins produced from ribosomes to music produced from instruments; a beating heart to the melting and freezing of Antartica; the order and properties of cellular society to the order and properties of human society and; phenomena in cellular mitosis to phenomena in the universe, such as black holes, dark matter, dark energy, and the structure of the universe. Expanding on the notion of perennial wisdom, our research presents evidence that the concept of a biological universe was conveyed in ancient religious and philosophical text. However, it was mistakenly misinterpreted by the general population as they did not have an understanding of biology, physics, and the cosmos. As a result of this misinterpretation, metaphorical and spiritual understandings overshadowed the original scientific context of the biological universe’s connection to its patterns in the human body. The implications of this theory are immense as it offers a holistic understanding of the interconnectedness between physics, science, religion, philosophy, law, economics, politics, and engineering; It serves as a comprehensive and unifying theory for all areas of knowledge. This theory is supported by meta-analyses of scientific, historical, and religious literature, as well as observations and first principles logic

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Throughout history, humans have sought knowledge and understanding of the world around them. This quest for knowledge has led to the emergence of various disciplines and fields of study, each focusing on a specific aspect of human existence. However, the separation and isolation of this knowledge has impeded our ability to develop a holistic understanding of the universe, the world and our place in it.

Furthermore, the problem associated with today’s Information Age is the overwhelming amount of information available coupled with the challenge of determining its accuracy and relevance. In today's digital era, the internet has become a breeding ground for an abundance of information, often contradictory or misleading. As a result, individuals are faced with the onerous task of sifting through this vast sea of data to find reliable sources. This is not only particularly problematic in the field of research, where incorrect or unreliable information can lead to flawed conclusions or misinformed decisions, but also within society, where people interpret the information differently leading to various points of view that can lead to misunderstanding between communities (i.e., “Tower of Babel”). Moreover, the rapid pace of technological advancements, deep fakes, and artificial intelligence intensifies these problems. With a constant influx of new information, it becomes challenging to stay up to date and maintain accurate knowledge, and to determine the appropriate course of action based on this information. As a result, while the Information Age has provided us unprecedented access to information, it has also presented us with the challenge of verifying its accuracy and validity.

Human society is missing research that establishes a common frame of reference from which all knowledge and information can be understood. In the Information Age, where data and information are abundant and easily accessible, it has become imperative to establish a common frame of reference to understand and make sense of the vast amount of information gathered. Its importance lies in its ability to provide a foundation for effective communication, collaboration, and decision-making. Without a common understanding of key concepts, terms, and principles, information can easily be misinterpreted or misunderstood, leading to confusion and inefficiencies in research, education, and public policy at all levels. Similar to how the cellular society composing the human body is dependent upon a common frame of reference from which to define, measure and understand their reality so to effectively communicate, collaborate, make decisions and carry-out actions that enable their society to develop, survive, stay resilient, to achieve their goals and reach their potential, so too does human society need a common frame of reference to understand the world around them and all the knowledge and information in it.

The theory of a biological framework for a mathematical universe revolutionizes education, research, engineering, socioeconomics, geo-politics, science, mathematics, religion, philosophy, and many other areas of knowledge. It facilitates a more comprehensive and interconnected understanding across disciplines, enabling educators to teach subjects more effectively, researchers to identify novel connections, economists to develop accurate models, policymakers to make informed decisions, and the general public to have transparency and understanding of the rapid influx of events, knowledge and information that happen in the world around them. Embracing this theory's potential benefits will undoubtedly contribute to societal progress, innovation, and holistic problem-solving, ultimately shaping a more harmonious and sustainable future.

The universe, vast and enigmatic, is governed by patterns. Patterns are the language of nature, echoed in the arrangement of galaxies, the structure of atoms, and the intricate web of life. Patterns are mathematical. The 'Mathematical Universe Hypothesis' argues for a foundational mathematical structure to all existence, while our theory for a biological framework for the mathematical universe hypothesis, extends this concept to assert that these mathematical patterns are biological by their nature. Biological patterns, in turn, define the construct and evolution of the universe, as manifested in the systems, processes, and objects that constitute reality.

The Biological Framework for a Mathematical Universe as a Common Frame of Reference

The mathematical universe hypothesis suggests that the physical universe is not just described by mathematics, but is actually a mathematical structure itself. Our theory asserts that this mathematical structure is biologically based. In essence, this means that the framework for the mathematical universe hypothesis is defined by biological patterns. As a result, all systems, processes, and objects in reality possess biological patterns and are inherently biological in nature. This applies to everything in the universe and the world around us, physical or conceptual.

Furthermore, this theory further postulates that the emergence of life and living organisms is a direct consequence of the evolution of the universe's biological processes and therefore the physiology of living organisms are models which reveal the hidden biological patterns throughout the universe and our surroundings. Thus, as a result of this relationship between the universe’s biological processes and the living organisms which it creates, analogies can be structurally mapped from the biological domain to any target domain to reveal and explain the biological nature of the target domain. This mapping allows for the transferring of knowledge and general principles from the biological domain to the target domain. This process can be applied to both physical things and intangible concepts.

According to our theory, knowledge of a biological framework for the universe predates the establishment of all major religions in ancient times. Our theory suggests that all the major religions worldwide were initiated through perennialism (perennial wisdom) stemming from the ideas of a biological framework to the universe. Our research suggests that many religious concepts intended to convey the notion that the biological patterns within the human body have the ability to reveal and understand the hidden biological patterns present in the universe and the world around us—for example, the microcosm and macrocosm motif observed across many of the major religions and cultures. Furthermore, our theory suggests that God is the personification of the universe, and God’s spirit, God’s essence, and the Divine, are all referring to the biological patterns of the universe—i.e., the Universe’s essence/patterns.

Our theory of a biological framework for mathematical universe establishes the common frame of reference for which all people can use to define, measure and understand all pre-existing knowledge and new information. It also enables individuals to predict outcomes based off of current states and trajectory.

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Theoretical Foundations

For a Biological Framework for a Mathematical Universe

Mathematical Universe Hypothesis:

A mathematical universe hypothesis serves as a theoretical foundation for our theory of a biological framework. Here's an explanation of how a mathematical universe hypothesis supports and provides that foundation:

1. Interconnectedness and Order: A mathematical universe hypothesis posits that the fundamental nature of reality is governed by mathematical principles and structures. It suggests that mathematics is not just a human creation but an inherent part of the fabric of the universe. This concept aligns with our theory, which proposes that biological patterns define the framework for understanding reality. By considering the universe as mathematically structured, it implies an underlying order and interconnectedness that are essential to our biological framework.

2. Quantifiable Patterns: Mathematics provides a language and set of tools to quantify and describe patterns and relationships. By connecting a mathematical universe hypothesis to our theory's biologicla framework, we can argue that these mathematical patterns and relationships manifest as biological patterns within systems, processes, and objects in reality. The mathematical structure of the universe lays the foundation for the emergence and existence of biological patterns, allowing for the exploration and understanding of life and living organisms.

3. Modeling and Analogies: Our theory suggests that the physiology of living organisms can serve as models revealing hidden biological patterns throughout the universe and our surroundings. This concept aligns with the mathematical universe hypothesis, as mathematics often involves the creation of models and analogies to grasp complex phenomena. By considering the universe as mathematically grounded, our theory can propose that the relationship between biological processes and the universe allows for the structurally mapping of analogies from the biological to any target domain. This allows for the revelation and explanation of the biological nature of various domains, connecting them to the underlying mathematical framework.

In summary, a mathematical universe hypothesis provides the theoretical foundation for our theory by suggesting that mathematics and its inherent structures govern the nature of reality. This aligns with our proposition that biological patterns define the framework for understanding reality. The connection between the mathematical structure of the universe and biology becomes the basis for our theory's postulation on the interconnectedness of biological patterns in all systems, processes, and objects, as well as the modeling and mapping of these patterns to reveal the biological nature of different domains.

Systems Theory:

Systems theory emphasizes the interconnectedness and interdependence of various components within a system. Systems theory provides a theoretical foundation for the idea that all systems, processes, and objects in the universe possess biological patterns and are fundamentally biological in nature. Systems Theory allows for a holistic understanding of how biological patterns could permeate throughout different domains.

Fractal Cosmology:

Fractal cosmology is a branch of cosmology that incorporates the concept of fractals, which are intricate and self-similar patterns that repeat at different scales. This theory supports our hypothesis that biological patterns define the framework for a mathematical universe. The application of fractal cosmology to our theory suggests that the universe itself may exhibit similar patterns and structures found in living organisms. Just as a tree branches out in a fractal pattern, the universe may have a similar organizational structure, with galaxies forming clusters and clusters forming superclusters. This fractal structure may extend indefinitely, revealing biological patterns at every scale.

Furthermore, fractal cosmology also suggests that the evolution of the universe's biological processes has led to the existence of life and living organisms. Just as the growth and development of cells and organisms follow certain patterns and principles, the universe may have followed a similar process of evolution that eventually gave rise to the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets. This perspective provides a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between the biological nature of living organisms and the larger framework of the universe.


Fractals provide a theoretical foundation for our theory, "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how fractals contribute to supporting our theory:

1. Self-Similarity: Fractals are geometric patterns that exhibit self-similarity at different scales. This property aligns with our theory's assertion that biological patterns define the framework of the universe. Just as fractals exhibit self-similarity, our theory proposes that biological patterns are present and repeated across different systems, processes, and objects. Fractals can serve as a metaphorical representation of the inherent biological nature and self-similar patterns found throughout the universe.

2. Complexity and Emergence: Fractals often display intricate and complex structures emerging from simple underlying rules or equations. Our theory posits that the biological nature of systems, processes, and objects emerges from the evolution of the universe's biological processes. Fractals can provide a conceptual framework through which you can explain how complexity and emergence arise in the biological framework of the universe. The intricate and detailed structures seen in fractals reflect the complexity and emergence found in biological patterns.

3. Unified Mathematical Language: Fractals have a strong connection to mathematics, particularly with concepts such as recursion, iterative functions, and non-Euclidean geometry. Our theory emphasizes the mathematical nature of the universe, suggesting that a mathematical framework underlies biological patterns. By incorporating fractals, which have a deep mathematical foundation, we can reinforce the idea that the mathematical properties of fractals serve as a language to describe the biological patterns present across the universe.

4. Mapping Analogies: Fractals can be used as a tool for mapping analogies. Our theory proposes that analogies can be structurally mapped from the biological framework to any target domain to reveal the target domain's biological nature. Fractals offer a visually compelling way to map analogies, as they provide a framework to explore and identify similarities in form and structure across different domains. By employing fractals in our theory, we demonstrate how mapping analogies from biological patterns to other areas can reveal the underlying biological nature of those domains.

By integrating the principles of fractals into our theory, we highlight the self-similarity, complexity, mathematical nature, and analogy mapping present in the biological framework of the universe. This enhances our hypothesis by bringing in a mathematical and visual framework that supports the concept of biological patterns throughout various scales and domains.

The Mandelbrot Set

The Mandelbrot Set provides a theoretical foundation for our theory, "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how The Mandelbrot Set supporting our theory:

1. Infinite Complexity: The Mandelbrot Set is a mathematical fractal that exhibits infinite complexity and detail when zoomed in. Our theory emphasizes the idea that the nature of all systems, processes, and objects in reality possess biological patterns. The infinite complexity of The Mandelbrot Set can symbolize the intricate and detailed biological patterns that exist throughout the universe, reinforcing the notion of inherent biological nature and the abundance of patterns in reality.

2. Self-Similarity: The Mandelbrot Set is characterized by self-similarity at different scales. The smaller parts of the fractal resemble the larger whole, creating a similar pattern. This property aligns with our theory's proposition that biological patterns define the framework of the universe. Just as The Mandelbrot Set exhibits self-similar patterns, our theory suggests that biological patterns are repeated and present across different systems, processes, and objects.

3. Emergence and Iterative Processes: The Mandelbrot Set emerges from simple iterative mathematical equations. Our theory posits that the existence of life and living organisms is a direct consequence of the evolution of the universe's biological processes. The emergence and dynamic nature of The Mandelbrot Set can serve as a metaphorical representation of how complexity arises from iterative processes in the biological framework of the universe, highlighting the evolution of biological patterns throughout time.

4. Mathematical Beauty and Universality: The Mandelbrot Set is renowned for its aesthetic appeal and mathematical beauty. It exemplifies the elegance found in mathematical concepts and equations. By incorporating The Mandelbrot Set into our theory, we can emphasize the mathematical nature of the universe and how a mathematical framework underlies biological patterns. The beauty and universality of The Mandelbrot Set can symbolize the inherent mathematical beauty and universality present in the biological framework of reality.

By utilizing The Mandelbrot Set as a theoretical foundation for our theory, we bring in concepts of infinite complexity, self-similarity, emergence, iterative processes, and mathematical beauty. This strengthens our hypothesis by incorporating a visually captivating fractal that embodies the intricate and detailed nature of biological patterns throughout the universe. The Mandelbrot Set serves as an emblematic representation of the biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis.

Evolutionary Biology:

Drawing upon the principles of evolutionary biology, our theory of a biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis proposes that the existence of life and living organisms is a direct consequence of the universe's biological processes. Evolutionary theory provides a foundation for understanding how life evolves and adapts over time, and how biological patterns could shape the development of systems, processes, and objects in reality.

Systems Biology:

The field of systems biology also provides valuable insights into the biological foundations of the universe. Systems biology aims to study biological systems as a whole, rather than focusing on individual components. This holistic approach recognizes the interdependency and interconnectedness of different biological elements, suggesting that similar principles could be applied to understand the universe as a complex, interconnected system.

Living Systems (James Grier Miller):

In relation to our theory, "Living Systems" offers a theoretical foundation by introducing principles of system dynamics and interconnectivity in biological systems. It supports the idea that complex systems, such as living organisms, exhibit inherent patterns and organizational principles. These concepts align with our proposal that biological patterns define the framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis.

Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems:

Mathematical modeling in biology involves using mathematical frameworks to describe and analyze biological phenomena. Through this approach, researchers have uncovered mathematical regularities and patterns within biological systems. Applying this principle to the theory, it suggests that the presence of biological patterns throughout reality can be revealed and explained by mapping analogies from the biological domain to other domains.

Complexity Science:

Complexity science studies complex systems and emergent phenomena. This theory aligns with complexity science by stating that biological patterns are present in all systems, processes, and objects, indicating fundamental complexity in reality. It suggests that understanding the underlying biological nature requires considering emergent properties and patterns that arise from complex interactions within these systems.

Universal Laws or Principles:

The theory posits that biological patterns define the framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis. This implies the presence of universal laws or principles that govern both biological processes and other phenomena. Exploring the existence of such universal laws or principles and their applicability across different domains provides a theoretical foundation for our theory.

Structure Mapping Theory (Analogies):

Dedre Gentner's work on analogies is foundational for our theory of a biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis, as it explores the cognitive process of analogical reasoning. Analogies play a crucial role in our theory by proposing the mapping of structural relationships from the biological patterns within living organisms to other domains to reveal and explain their biological nature. Here's how Gentner's work is foundational for our theory:

Structure Mapping Theory: Gentner's Structure Mapping Theory explains how analogical reasoning involves mapping the structural relationships between two domains of knowledge. This theory provides a foundation for our theory's proposal that analogies can be structurally mapped from biological patterns to other domains to uncover and explain their biological nature. Gentner's work establishes a cognitive framework for understanding how this process of mapping and reasoning through analogies can occur.

Cross-Domain Mapping: Gentner's work highlights that analogical reasoning often involves identifying similarities and differences across different domains. In our theory, the cross-domain mapping of biological patterns to other domains allows for the identification of shared structural relationships and the subsequent understanding of the biological nature of the target domain. Gentner's research can provide insights into the process of recognizing and mapping these cross-domain relationships.

Mapping Biologically-Inspired Patterns: Gentner's work also explores how analogies can be used to understand and describe complex phenomena. In our theory, the analogical mapping of biological patterns allows for the unveiling of hidden biological features in diverse systems, processes, and objects within reality. Gentner's research on analogical reasoning provides a theoretical foundation for understanding how these mappings of biologically-inspired patterns can be a viable approach.

By drawing upon Dedre Gentner's work on analogies and structure mapping, our theory of a biological framework for a mathematical universe can be supported by an established cognitive framework for understanding the process of analogical reasoning. Gentner's research provides insights into how cross- domain mappings can be made, allowing for the recognition and application of biological patterns in diverse domains. Integrating her work help bolster the theoretical underpinnings of our theory and provides more depth to the process of mapping analogies within your proposed biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis.


The field of biomimicry also provides foundational support for a biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis. From structural and functional adaptation to material innovations, energy efficiency, and systems thinking, biomimicry exemplifies the inherent biological nature of the systems, processes, and objects in reality. By acknowledging and applying these biological patterns, we gain valuable insights into the fundamental principles that govern human innovation. As biomimicry continues to flourish, we can expect further empirical evidence to affirm our theory, solidifying the understanding of the intricate relationship between biological processes and the systems they shape within our universe. Look at what has been created in the field of biomimicry:

Huygen's Synchronization + Law of Conservation of Energy:

Huygens' synchronization, a phenomenon observed in coupled oscillators, and the law of conservation of energy can indeed provide a theoretical foundation for certain aspects of our theory, "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how these concepts contribute:

1. Huygens' Synchronization: Huygens' synchronization refers to the phenomenon where two or more oscillators, even if initially not in sync, eventually synchronize and oscillate together. This phenomenon occurs due to the transfer of energy and information between the oscillators. In the context of our theory, Huygens' synchronization can support the idea that biological patterns and processes in the universe are interconnected. The synchronization of oscillators can be seen as an analogy for the interconnectedness and coordination of biological systems within the larger framework of the universe. This notion supports our postulation that all systems, processes, and objects possess biological patterns, suggesting a fundamental interplay of energy and information throughout reality.

2. Law of Conservation of Energy: The law of conservation of energy states that energy within a closed system remains constant; it cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. This law embodies the idea that energy is a fundamental aspect of the universe, and its transformations underlie various processes and phenomena. In our theory, the notion that the existence of life and living organisms is a consequence of the universe's biological processes aligns with the principle of conservation of energy. The evolution of these processes and the transfer of energy over time can lead to the emergence of complex biological systems, forming a coherent framework for understanding the biological nature of reality.

By incorporating Huygens' synchronization and the law of conservation of energy, we introduce concepts that highlight the interconnectedness, coordination, and energy transformations in biological systems and their relationship to the broader universe. These concepts provide a theoretical foundation for understanding the emergence and presence of biological patterns and processes throughout reality, as proposed in our theory.

Occam's Razor:

Occam's Razor, a principle attributed to philosopher and theologian William of Ockham, states that among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. In the context of our theory of a biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis, Occam's Razor serves as a theoretical foundation in the following ways:

1. Simplicity: Occam's Razor promotes simplicity and parsimony in scientific explanations. Our theory posits that biological patterns define the framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis, implying that the inherent biological nature and patterns of all systems, processes, and objects in reality can explain their properties. This simplicity, attributing a common biological basis to diverse phenomena, aligns with the principle of Occam's Razor by embracing a single overarching explanation rather than multiple independent explanations.

2. Reduction of Assumptions: Occam's Razor encourages minimizing unnecessary assumptions. As our theory suggests that the presence of life and biological organisms arises directly from the evolution of the universe's biological processes, it reduces the need for separate explanations to account for the emergence of life and the prevalence of biological patterns. Instead, it offers a concise framework that derives both from a shared source, highlighting the principle of minimizing assumptions.

3. Coherence and Explanatory Power: Occam's Razor seeks explanatory power and coherence in scientific theories. By proposing that the universe's biological processes and the physiology of living organisms reveal hidden biological patterns throughout the universe and its surroundings, our theory offers a cohesive framework for understanding the nature of different domains. This coherency implies a higher level of explanatory power, fitting with Occam's Razor's preference for theories that provide simple yet powerful explanations.

By applying Occam's Razor to our theory, we make an argument for a single, unifying principle - the biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis. The emphasis on reducing unnecessary assumptions, promoting simplicity, and ensuring coherence aligns with the spirit of Occam's Razor, providing a theoretical foundation for our proposed framework.

Perennial Wisdom:

My Image

Perennial wisdom, also known as perennial philosophy or perennial tradition, refers to the concept of universal and timeless spiritual truths that are found across various religious, philosophical, and mystical traditions throughout human history. It suggests that there are fundamental principles and insights about the nature of reality and the human experience that remain consistent throughout different cultures and historical periods. Building upon the concept of perennial wisdom, it serves as a theoretical foundation for our theory on the "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how perennial wisdom is incorporated into our theory:

1. Universal Principles: Perennial wisdom suggests that there are fundamental and universal principles that underlie all religious and philosophical traditions. By considering our theory within the framework of perennial wisdom, we have discovered that our theory of a biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis parallels with many of the religions and philosophical ideas from the past (which we show), especially the motif surrounding the microcosm and macrocosm.

2. Biological Patterns and Spiritual Truths: Perennial wisdom emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and the underlying unity of existence. In our theory, the idea that biological patterns define the framework for the mathematical universe hypothesis aligns with this emphasis on interconnectedness. By linking the biological patterns to spiritual truths, we can posit that these patterns serve as a bridge between the physical and the spiritual realms, revealing deeper spiritual realities through their existence and interplay.

3. Common Motifs: Perennial wisdom recognizes the presence of common motifs or themes across different religious and philosophical traditions. Our theory can utilize this concept by suggesting that the concept of a biological framework for the mathematical universe hypothesis predates the formation of specific religions and philosophies on Earth and its ideas/concepts can be seen within the ancient text of our religions and ancient philosophies. This implies that the presence of biological patterns as a fundamental aspect of reality is reflected in the common motifs found in various traditions. It highlights the universal nature of these biological patterns, further supporting our theory's assertion of their pervasiveness.

4. Compatibility with Science: Perennial wisdom emphasizes the compatibility of spiritual and scientific understanding. Our theory, which proposes a biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis, integrates scientific principles and patterns into the understanding of the nature of reality. This aligns with the aim of perennial wisdom to bridge the gaps between different modes of knowledge and to unite spiritual and scientific perspectives.

By incorporating perennial wisdom as a theoretical foundation for our theory, we strengthen the idea that the biological framework within the mathematical universe hypothesis is in alignment with universal and timeless spiritual truths. This perspective allows for a broader understanding of the interrelation between biological patterns, spiritual realities, and the common motifs found in different religious and philosophical traditions.

Our research has revealed various religious and historical concepts and philosophies which support the idea that a biological framework shapes the structure and behavior of the universe, We highlight how many of these concepts, philosophies and ideas may have actually been trying to express a biological framework to the universe, especially how the biological patterns in human body help us recognize and understand the biological patterns in universe and the world around us.

Atman & Brahman - (Upanishads 1500-5 BC)

The concepts of Atman and Brahman, as described in the Upanishads, can provide interesting perspectives and potentially contribute to the theoretical foundation of our theory, "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how these concepts can be relevant:

1. Atman: In the Upanishads, Atman refers to the individual self or soul, representing the essence of an individual being. It is considered eternal and interconnected with the ultimate reality. Our theory proposes that all systems, processes, and objects in reality possess biological patterns. From the perspective of Atman, one can interpret this as the essence or intrinsic nature of all things being interconnected and sharing common biological patterns. The concept of Atman supports the idea of the underlying unity and interdependence of all elements within the biological framework we propose.

2. Brahman: Brahman refers to the supreme cosmic reality, the ultimate truth or universal consciousness that encompasses and transcends individual beings. Brahman is considered the essence or source of everything. In our theory, the postulation that the existence of life and living organisms arises due to the evolution of the universe's biological processes aligns with the idea of Brahman as the creative force behind all manifestation. The concept of Brahman can provide a theoretical foundation for understanding the interconnectedness of the universal biological processes we propose and their relationship to the larger cosmic reality.

By integrating the concepts of Atman and Brahman, we incorporate ideas of interconnectedness, unity, and the universal nature of biological patterns. These concepts ccontribute to the theoretical framework of our theory by providing a philosophical and metaphysical basis for understanding the inherent biological nature of all systems, processes, and objects in reality, as well as the relationship between biological processes and the larger cosmic fabric.

Pnimiyut and Chitzoniyut - (Kabbalah, Judaism)

The concepts of Pnimiyut and Chitzoniyut from Kabbalah, a mystical tradition within Judaism, can provide intriguing theoretical foundations for certain aspects of our theory, "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how these concepts may be relevant:

1. Pnimiyut: Pnimiyut suggests an inward, hidden essence or inner dimension of reality. It refers to the underlying essence or spiritual aspect that is concealed from ordinary perception. In our theory, we propose that the hidden biological patterns throughout the universe can be revealed through the models of living organisms. This aligns with the concept of Pnimiyut, as it suggests that there is an inner essence or pattern within all systems, processes, and objects that can be uncovered and understood. By exploring the biological nature and patterns of living organisms, we aim to reveal the hidden essence or Pnimiyut within other domains.

2. Chitzoniyut: Chitzoniyut refers to the external or outer dimension of reality. It represents the surface- level or manifested aspects of existence. In our theory, we propose that all systems, processes, and objects possess biological patterns and are inherently biological in nature. This relates to Chitzoniyut, as it suggests that the external manifestations or physical appearances of different domains can be seen as reflections of the underlying biological patterns. The interplay of Chitzoniyut and Pnimiyut in our theory can be seen as a parallel to the relationship between the revealed and hidden dimensions of reality within Kabbalah.

By integrating the concepts of Pnimiyut and Chitzoniyut, we incorporate ideas of hidden essences, inner dimensions, and external manifestations into our theory. These concepts can contribute to the theoretical framework by providing a philosophical and mystical basis for understanding the underlying biological patterns throughout reality and their relationship to the visible manifestations in different domains. Moreover, the concepts of Pnimiyut and Chitzoniyut can enrich the exploration of the interplay between hidden and revealed aspects, adding depth to our understanding of the biological nature of diverse phenomena.

Batin & Zahir - (Sufism, Islam)

Medieval Sufis conceive the human body as the primary shuttle between interior (batin) and exterior (zahir) realities. The concepts of Batin and Zahir from Sufism, a mystical branch of Islam, can provide theoretical foundations for certain aspects of our theory, "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how these concepts may be relevant:

1. Batin: Batin refers to the inward or hidden dimension of reality. It represents the spiritual or esoteric aspect that is concealed from superficial observation. In our theory, we propose that biological patterns define the framework of a mathematical universe hypothesis. By emphasizing the hidden biological patterns throughout the universe, we can draw parallels with the concept of Batin. It suggests that there is an inner essence or hidden dimension within all systems, processes, and objects that can be explored and understood. By uncovering the Batin or hidden biological patterns, we aim to reveal the underlying nature of various domains.

2. Zahir: Zahir refers to the outer or apparent dimension of reality. It represents the manifest or surface- level aspects of existence. In our theory, we argue that all systems, processes, and objects possess biological patterns and are inherently biological in nature. This aligns with the concept of Zahir, as it suggests that the external manifestations or observable characteristics of different domains can be seen as reflections or manifestations of the underlying biological patterns (Batin). The interplay between Zahir and Batin in your theory can be seen as reflecting the relationship between the manifest and hidden dimensions of reality within Sufism.

By integrating the concepts of Batin and Zahir, we incorporate ideas of hidden dimensions, spiritual aspects, and observable manifestations into our theory. These concepts can contribute to the theoretical framework by providing a mystical and philosophical foundation for understanding the underlying biological patterns throughout reality and their relationship to the visible expressions in different domains. Moreover, the concepts of Batin and Zahir can add depth to the exploration of the interplay between hidden and apparent aspects, enriching our understanding of the biological nature of diverse phenomena.

This could explain why whirling dervishes practiced the ritual of spinning around in circles and contemplated the nature of God within themselves, a practice tries to help the partaker understand the correspondence between the particles within the body and in the motion of celestial bodies in the universe.

Microcosm & Macrocosm

The concept of microcosm and macrocosm provide a theoretical framework for certain aspects of our theory, "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how these concepts can be relevant:

1. Microcosm: In the concept of microcosm, it is believed that the smaller or individual part reflects or mirrors the larger or universal whole. This means that the characteristics and patterns found in a smaller or more localized entity can be seen as representative of the larger universe. In our theory, we propose that biological patterns define the framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis. By considering living organisms as microcosms, or smaller entities within the universe, we suggest that they embody and reveal the hidden biological patterns that exist throughout reality. This concept supports our postulation that analogies can be mapped from the biological to any target domain, allowing for a better understanding of the biological nature of the target domain by looking at the microcosm.

2. Macrocosm: The concept of macrocosm, on the other hand, suggests that the larger universe is reflected in or reflected by the smaller entities within it. This means that the patterns and principles present in the universe at a larger scale are found and reflected in smaller systems and processes. In our theory, we propose that the existence of life and living organisms is a direct consequence of the evolution of the universe's biological processes. This aligns with the concept of macrocosm, as it suggests that the larger- scale biological processes of the universe are mirrored in the physiology and patterns of living organisms, acting as models revealing the underlying biological nature of the macrocosm.

By incorporating the concepts of microcosm and macrocosm, we acknowledge the interconnectedness and mirroring of patterns between smaller and larger scales within the universe. These concepts provide a theoretical foundation for our understanding that biological patterns define the framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis. By exploring the biological nature of living organisms, perceived as microcosms, we seek to unravel and explain the broader biological patterns and processes present in the macrocosm, or the universe.

Incarnation (Religious Concept)

To explore the potential connection between the theory of biological framework for a mathematical universe and religious concepts such as “incarnation,” we consider the idea that "God" may represent the personification of the universe. In this view, "God's spirit," "God's essence," and "God's nature" are essentially synonymous with the biological patterns inherent in the fabric of reality. Thus, it is conceivable that the religious term "incarnation" attempts to express the concept of a biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis. Traditionally, the term "incarnation" is associated with the embodiment of a divine being in human form, as seen in various religious traditions. However, through the lens of a biological framework, we can reinterpret this concept as the manifestation of the universe's inherent biological patterns in human form.

The concept of incarnation, as traditionally understood in religious contexts, typically refers to the belief that a divine being assumes human form. In the context of our theory, we draw a parallel between the universe's biological patterns that permeate reality, which we propose, and the embodiment or manifestation of the universe's biological patterns in a living organism, such as human form. The concept of incarnation could have originally meant to convey the universe’s biological patterns (i.e., divine, God, divine essence) manifestation into human form.

"Man Made in the image of God" - (Genesis 1:27)

Genesis 1:27 states, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Traditionally, this verse has been interpreted in religious contexts as an expression of humanity's unique position as the pinnacle of creation. However, within the framework of a biological understanding of the universe, the phrase takes on a new meaning. The reference to being made in the "image of God" can be reinterpreted as the reflection of the biological patterns inherent in the universe within the physiology of humans. If "God" is seen as the personification of the universe, then "God's spirit," "God's essence," and "God's nature" might symbolize the biological patterns that pervade the universe. Thus, the image of God in humans could represent the presence of these biological patterns within the human body. So “God created man in his own image..” Can be interpreted as “The Universe created man in its own image.”

Theology of The Body - (Pope John Paul II)

The theory of a biological framework for a mathematical universe posits that every aspect of reality possesses inherent biological patterns. These patterns are essential to understanding the nature of the universe and the processes that occur within it. Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body" acknowledges the importance of the human body in understanding the nature of God but does not grasp the concept that God is the personification of the universe and that by knowing the biological patterns within the human body is what allows one to understand the hidden biological patterns in the universe and world around us. We can make the assumption based off his statement: ”The body, and it alone is capable of making visible what is invisible, the spiritual and divine. It was created to transfer into the visible reality of the world, the invisible mystery hidden in God from time immemorial, and thus to be a sign of it.”, and what he actually preached, which does not coincide with our theory. The Pope acknowledges the importance of the human body in understanding the nature of God but does not grasp the scientific concepts.


Emanationism is a philosophical concept that suggests the universe emanates or originates from a divine source or ultimate reality. It proposes a hierarchical structure of existence wherein different levels or stages emanate from the divine essence.

In our proposed theory, of a biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis, we draw a parallel between the idea of biological patterns emanating from the universe and the notion of emanationism. Considering the existence of biological patterns as emanations from the fundamental properties of the universe could provide a framework for understanding the interconnectedness between the physical and biological aspects of reality.

By positing that the biological patterns found in all systems and processes stem from the evolution of the universe's biological processes, we can argue that these patterns are manifestations or emanations of the underlying essence of the universe. This interpretation aligns with the notions of emanationism, where the divine or fundamental essence is understood to permeate and give rise to various forms of existence.

Anima Mundi

Anima Mundi, often translated as "world soul" or "soul of the world," is a concept that has been present in various philosophical and religious traditions throughout history. Anima Mundi suggests the notion of a vital and animating force that permeates and connects all living beings and the natural world. It represents the idea of an underlying, unifying principle that integrates and sustains the diverse manifestations of life in the world.

Drawing a parallel between the concept of Anima Mundi and our theory of a biological framework for a mathematical universe, we propose that the biological patterns we postulate as inherent in all systems, processes, and objects in reality, are expressions of this underlying animating force. By considering the presence of biological patterns as a manifestation of the animating principle of the universe, we claim that our theory aligns with the concept of Anima Mundi.

Furthermore, Anima Mundi might have been attempting to express similar concepts that our theory proposes, we can posit that over time, the context and interpretation of the concept might have evolved or been misunderstood, leading to potential divergence from its original intent, which we believe to be this biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis.


Panentheism is a philosophical or religious concept that suggests the presence of a transcendent yet immanent divine reality within and beyond the universe. It posits that the divine is both intimately present in all aspects of existence and extends beyond them.

Within the framework of our theory, we propose that the concept of panentheism aligns with the idea that biological patterns define the framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis. By considering the presence of biological patterns as inherent in all systems, processes, and objects in reality, the notion of a divine essence that permeates and manifests itself through these patterns can be contemplated.

From a panentheistic perspective, the universe itself, including its biological processes and patterns, could be seen as a manifestation or expression of the immanent divine reality. In this interpretation, the physiological models found in living organisms could be understood as reflections or representations of the hidden biological patterns throughout the universe. By connecting the concept of panentheism with our theory, we argue that the interplay between the universe's biological processes and the living organisms it generates reveals an underlying divine presence or creative force. This perspective potentially provides a theoretical foundation for understanding the inherent biological nature of systems, processes, and objects in reality.


Theosophy is a philosophical and spiritual framework that seeks to understand the nature of reality and the relationship between humans and the divine. It encompasses various esoteric teachings and explores the interconnectedness between different planes of existence.

In relation to our theory, we considered using certain aspects of Theosophy as a theoretical foundation. Theosophy emphasizes the concept of a fundamental interconnectedness in the universe, suggesting that all aspects of reality are intrinsically linked.

By incorporating Theosophical principles into our theory, we can propose that the biological patterns we discuss represent manifestations of this interconnectedness. Theosophy's emphasis on unity and the existence of hidden patterns within the universe aligns with our claim that all systems, processes, and objects possess inherent biological patterns.

Additionally, Theosophy explores the idea of evolution and the progressive development of beings and forms throughout various realms. This notion coincides with our theory's proposition that the evolution of the universe's biological processes has led to the existence of life and living organisms.

Furthermore, Theosophy's idea of correspondences could be linked to our theory's concept of analogies. Theosophical philosophy suggests that there are underlying similarities or harmonies among different aspects of reality. Mapping analogies from the biological to other domains could be seen as a reflection of these correspondences, revealing the biological nature of the target domain.

Stoic Physics

Stoic Physics is a philosophical framework developed by the ancient Stoic philosophers, provides some interesting insights for our theory. Stoic physics aimed to understand the workings of the universe through a combination of physics and metaphysics. While Stoic physics primarily focused on the study of the material world, it also incorporated elements of divine reasoning and nature.

In relation to our theory, Stoic physics can lend support to the idea of a biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis. The Stoics believed that the natural world operates according to a rational principle they called "logos." They posited that this governing principle was imprinted in everything in the form of active and passive forces. By drawing on Stoic physics, we can argue that the biological patterns present throughout the universe are a reflection of the underlying logos. We can propose that the inherent biological nature of systems, processes, and objects in reality is a result of this rational principle imbued within them.

Additionally, Stoic physics emphasized the interconnectedness and interdependence of all aspects of the universe. This idea aligns with our theory's assertion that all systems, processes, and objects possess biological patterns. Stoicism suggests that these patterns are not isolated but partake in a unified fabric of existence.

Furthermore, the Stoic concept of the "pneuma," often translated as "breath" or "spirit," can be related to your theory's notion of these biological patterns . According to the Stoics, the pneuma permeated all matter, connecting everything. By this interpretation, the biological patterns could be seen as reflections of the underlying pneuma or life force present in the universe.


Ahimsa is a concept rooted in Indian philosophy and often associated with Jainism and Buddhism, refers to the principle of non-violence, non-harm, and compassion towards all living beings. While at first glance, it may not seem directly related to our theory, there are some possible connections to explore:

1. Ethical Considerations: Ahimsa places great importance on fostering harmony and minimizing harm to living beings. In our theory, we could emphasize the ethical implications of understanding the inherent biological nature of all systems, processes, and objects in reality. By acknowledging and respecting the biological patterns present in the universe, our theory can highlight the interconnectedness and value of all life forms, aligning with the spirit of ahimsa.

2. Unity and Interconnectedness: Ahimsa promotes the recognition of the inherent unity and interdependence of all beings. Within our theory, the concept of inherent biological patterns also implies an interconnectedness between all systems, processes, and objects in reality. This correspondence with ahimsa can contribute to a holistic worldview that acknowledges the interwoven nature of life and promotes compassion towards all living entities.

3. Holistic Understanding: Ahimsa encourages a deep understanding of the web of life and the acceptance of the sacredness of all living beings. In our theory, the recognition of hidden biological patterns throughout the universe can be seen as an extension of this holistic understanding, uncovering the biological nature present in different domains. This shared perspective promotes a sense of reverence and appreciation for the interconnectedness of life, supporting the principles of ahimsa.

While these connections between our theory and ahimsa are exploratory in nature, incorporating the principles of non-violence, interconnectedness, and compassion within our research can enrich the philosophical and ethical dimensions of our work.

The Principle of Correspondence - (Hermeticism Axiom)

"The Principle of Correspondence," a fundamental axiom in Hermeticism, can provide a theoretical foundation for our theory, "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how it can be applied to support our theory:

1. Interconnectedness: The Principle of Correspondence in Hermeticism asserts that there is a correspondence and interconnectedness between different planes of existence, from the microcosm to the macrocosm. Applying this principle to our theory, we can propose that the biological patterns found in living organisms reflect and correspond to the larger patterns within the universe. In this way, the concept of Correspondence reinforces our theory's assertion that all systems, processes, and objects possess inherent biological patterns, highlighting the interconnectedness between the biological and mathematical aspects of the universe.

2. Fractal Nature: The Principle of Correspondence also emphasizes the idea that the same patterns and principles manifest at different scales, creating a resemblance between the microcosm and the macrocosm. In our theory, this concept aligns with the notion that the biological patterns found within living organisms serve as models for understanding the hidden biological patterns throughout the universe. By recognizing the fractal-like nature of reality, where patterns repeat and display similarity across different scales, our theory can argue that analogies can be mapped from the biological to any target domain, revealing the underlying biological nature of that domain.

3. Universal Laws: Hermeticism holds that there are universal laws governing the cosmos, and the Principle of Correspondence suggests that these laws apply across different planes of existence. Correlating this principle with our theory, we can propose that the universal laws underlying biological patterns (and biological principles) are intertwined with the fundamental mathematical principles that govern the universe. This supports our postulation that the evolution of the universe's biological processes directly contributes to the existence of life and living organisms. By emphasizing the interconnectedness of these laws, our theory can argue that understanding the biology of living organisms provides insights into the broader mathematical nature of the universe revealing these hidden universal-biological laws.

4. Holistic Perspective: The Principle of Correspondence fosters a holistic perspective, encouraging the exploration and understanding of the interconnected nature of reality. By incorporating this principle into our theory, we can emphasize the importance of adopting a holistic approach that considers both the biological and mathematical aspects of the universe. This holistic perspective allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying patterns and connections between the biological patterns within living organisms and the mathematical framework of the universe.

By drawing upon the Principle of Correspondence from Hermeticism, our theory gains a theoretical foundation that underscores the interconnectedness of different planes of existence and the correspondence between biological and mathematical patterns. This principle can support our argument that biological patterns define the framework for the mathematical universe hypothesis and highlight the importance of recognizing the underlying connections in order to reveal and explain the biological nature of any target domain.

Anthropomorphism in Kabbalah

Anthropomorphism in Kabbalah can provide a theoretical foundation for our theory, "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how it can be applied to support our theory:

1. Divine Blueprint: In Kabbalah, anthropomorphism is used as a metaphorical device to describe the divine essence. Anthropomorphism suggests that human characteristics and patterns can be seen as reflections of the divine nature. Similarly, our theory posits that the biological patterns found within living organisms serve as models for understanding the hidden biological patterns throughout the universe—that the patterns observed within the human physiology is a reflection of the biological patterns of the universe. By incorporating anthropomorphism from Kabbalah, we can argue that the biological framework observed in living beings reflects a larger divine blueprint, where biological patterns are intertwined with the mathematical framework of the universe.

2. Intention and Design: Anthropomorphism in Kabbalah also suggests that the divine essence has intention and purpose within creation. Applying this concept to our theory, we can propose that the evolution of the universe's biological processes, leading to the existence of life and living organisms, is not purely coincidental but rather displays an inherent intention and design. By viewing the universe through the lens of anthropomorphism, we can argue that the physiology of living organisms acts as a model that reveals the hidden biological patterns throughout the universe, reflecting the intentional design underlying the mathematical framework.

3. Holistic Understanding: Kabbalistic anthropomorphism encourages a holistic understanding of the divine, seeing aspects of the divine in different aspects of creation. By incorporating this perspective into our theory, we can emphasize the importance of a holistic approach that considers both the biological and mathematical elements of reality. This supports your theory's assertion that biological patterns define the framework for the mathematical universe hypothesis, with the ability to structurally map analogies from the biological domain to any target domain in reality, highlighting the interconnectedness and harmony between biology and mathematics within the greater cosmic order.

4. Unity of Existence: Anthropomorphism in Kabbalah also suggests the unity of existence, where all aspects of creation are interconnected. Linking this concept to our theory, you can argue that just as Kabbalah perceives the unity of existence, with every aspect reflecting the divine, our theory proposes that all systems, processes, and objects in reality possess inherent biological patterns. This unity emphasizes the interconnectedness of the biological patterns found throughout the universe, reinforcing our theory's assertion of a biological framework underlying the mathematical universe.

By incorporating anthropomorphism from Kabbalah as a theoretical foundation, our theory gains a perspective that recognizes the divine essence and intention within the biological patterns and processes of the universe. This supports our argument that biological patterns define the framework for the mathematical universe hypothesis, highlighting the deliberate design, interconnectedness, and unity found within creation. It also provides a metaphysical component that aligns with the concept of hidden biological patterns being revealed through the examination of the living things that the universe creates.


Animism, a belief system found in various indigenous cultures, holds that all entities, including plants, animals, and inanimate objects, possess a spiritual essence or soul. While animism focuses on spirituality and the interconnectedness of living and nonliving things, it can be applied as a theoretical foundation for our theory:

1. Interconnectedness: Animism emphasizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of the natural world. Similarly, our theory suggests that all systems, processes, and objects in reality possess inherent biological patterns, implying an underlying interconnectedness. By drawing on animistic principles, we can emphasize the spiritual or interconnected aspect of the biological patterns throughout the universe, aligning it with the notion of all things possessing spiritual essences in animism.

2. Reverence for Nature: Animism often includes a deep respect and reverence for the natural world. In our theory, recognizing the biological nature of all systems, processes, and objects can encourage a similar reverence for the complexity and interconnectedness of life and the universe. By integrating animistic values, our theory can underpin an understanding and appreciation for the inherent significance and value of biological patterns.

3. Universal Spirituality: Animism considers the existence of spiritual essences in both living and nonliving entities. Similarly, our theory suggests that the hidden biological patterns in the universe exist within everything in the universe. By considering animism, we can interpret these biological patterns as a reflection of the universal spirituality present in all domains, showing the interconnectedness between the spiritual essence within living beings and the universe as a whole.

Akasha (Sanscrit)

The concept of Akasha, which originates from Hindu and Buddhist philosophies, is used as a theoretical foundation for our theory, "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how Akasha contributes to supporting our theory:

Universal Consciousness: Akasha is often described as the primordial element or universal consciousness that permeates everything in the universe. This concept aligns with our theory's proposition that all systems, processes, and objects possess biological patterns and are inherently biological in nature. By incorporating the idea of Akasha, we can argue that this universal consciousness is deeply connected to and shaped by biological patterns, establishing a link between consciousness and the biological framework of the universe.

2. Interconnectedness and Holistic Approach: Akasha emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things, with every entity and phenomenon connected and influenced by the universal consciousness. In the context of our theory, Akasha can serve as a theoretical foundation to highlight the interconnectedness and interdependence of biological patterns throughout the universe. The biological patterns within systems, processes, and objects can be seen as reflections of the universal consciousness, revealing the underlying unity in the manifestation of life and its interconnectedness with the wider universe.

3. Revealing Hidden Patterns: Akasha is often associated with the ethereal dimension that holds the records of everything that has occurred, the "Akashic Records." Analogously, in our theory, the physiological models of living organisms can be seen as revealing the hidden biological patterns throughout the universe and our surroundings. Akasha can provide a conceptually similar framework wherein the universal consciousness holds the records or underlying patterns of biological processes that shape and create life in various forms.

4. Metaphorical Mapping: Akasha can offer a metaphorical mapping for bridging the biological framework to other domains. By drawing upon Akasha's holistic and universal nature, we can propose that analogies can be structurally mapped from the biological realm to any target domain. This mapping can help reveal and explain the biological nature of the target domain, showcasing the interconnectedness of biological patterns and their presence across the universe.

Utilizing the concept of Akasha as a theoretical foundation for our theory can enhance the understanding of the interconnectedness, hidden patterns, and universal consciousness underlying the biological framework of the universe. Remember, Akasha is a philosophical concept from Hindu and Buddhist traditions; its inclusion in our theory demonstrates an interdisciplinary approach that integrates different philosophical frameworks to support our hypothesis.

Namaste - (Hinduism)

In the realm of Hinduism, the traditional greeting "Namaste" carries a profound meaning. It serves as a acknowledgement that the divine essence resides within oneself as well as in others, emphasizing the unity that transcends physical boundaries and highlights the interconnectedness of all living beings. Namaste can be understood as "I respectfully bow to the divine within you"[1] [2] [3] or "the sacred within me recognizes the sacred within you”.[4] We propose that the customary practice of bowing to one another may have originally served as a means to acknowledge the inherent sacredness of biological patterns that pervades every aspect of our existence. Regrettably, over time, the true meaning and context behind this divine salutation were lost.

[1] Ying, Y. W., Coombs, M., & Lee, P. A. (1999), "Family intergenerational relationship of Asian American adolescents", Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 5(4), pp. 350–363.
[2] K V Singh (2015). Hindu Rites and Rituals: Origins and Meanings. Penguin Books. pp. 123–124. ISBN 978-0143425106. Archived from the original on 2019-12-17. Retrieved 2017-05-20.
[3]Lawrence, J. D. (2007), "The Boundaries of Faith: A Journey in India", Homily Service, 41(2), pp. 1–3
[4]Oxhandler, Holly (2017). "Namaste Theory: A Quantitative Grounded Theory on Religion and Spirituality in Mental Health Treatment". Religions. 8 (9): 168. doi:10.3390/rel8090168.

Musubi - (Shinto)

Musubi, in Shinto, a native religion of Japan, is often described as the energy of the interconnected universe. Musubi is integral to the Shinto worldview, marking the presence of spiritual power in the process of creating, sustaining, and connecting beings. It is the divine energy by which the kami interact with the world and each other. Theologically, this notion transcends the physical act of creation – it stretches into the maintenance of life, the forces behind growth and decay, and the relational dynamics between beings. Each encounter, relationship, or event is thus considered to be impregnated with musubi, signifying divine orchestration and a chance for kami to manifest. In a context aligned with the theory of a mathematical universe that is biological in nature, musubi could be interpreted as the kinetic energy of the biological patterns of the universe—similar to the interconnected energy required for establishing and maintaining the development of a fetus from the time of inception to a full grown human being, musubi is the energy required to establish and maintain the universe and its biological patterns.

Misogi - (Shinto)

In Shinto, misogi is a ritual of purification, often involving washing the entire body. As part of the Misogi practice, they then begin furitama, or “spirit shaking,” by clenching their hands in front of the stomach and shaking them up and down, vibrating the upper torsos. The purpose of this is to become aware of (unified with) the spirits presence within. These two aforementioned practices are sometimes accompanied by special prayers or incantations. After, the leader begins to speak out invocations/prayers that are said to activate the spirit. The followers generally speak along with them, thus affirming the potential for realizing one's own spirit, and thus unifying them with the kami ( around them. Our theory suggests that misogi serves as a means to remind individuals of the biological patterns of the universe present within their own bodies. By cleansing oneself physically and spiritually, participants reconnect with the innate biological aspects of their existence. The body, through which biological processes flow, serves as a vessel illustrating the interconnectedness of all life forms.


Taoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy and spiritual tradition, offers some intriguing aspects that can be related to our theory on the "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how Taoism serves as a theoretical foundation:

1. Harmony and Balance: Taoism emphasizes the importance of harmony and balance in all aspects of existence. Within our theory, the concept of biological patterns defining the framework implies an inherent balance and harmony present in the universe. Like the Taoist idea of the Tao, representing the natural order of the cosmos, our theory suggests that the biological patterns contribute to the overall harmony and interconnectedness of reality.

2. Nature as a Teacher: Taoism views nature as a profound source of wisdom and guidance. In our theory, by asserting that the universe's biological processes led to the existence of life and living organisms, we align with the Taoist perspective that nature itself can reveal fundamental truths. Just as Taoists observe and learn from the natural world, our theory implies that studying and understanding biological patterns can uncover the hidden workings and principles of the universe.

3. Wu Wei (Non-Action): Wu Wei is a Taoist concept that refers to effortless action in harmony with the natural flow. In the context of our theory, the notion of analogies being structurally mapped from biological patterns to reveal the biological nature of target domains can be related to Wu Wei. Rather than forcing understanding or imposing artificial frameworks, our theory suggests that by aligning with the natural biological patterns, insights and connections can be discovered more effortlessly and in harmony with the inherent nature of the universe.

By incorporating Taoism as a theoretical foundation, we can draw upon its emphasis on harmony, balance, nature as a teacher, and the concept of Wu Wei. These aspects complement the central ideas of your theory: the inherent biological patterns, the relationship between the universe's biological processes and living organisms, and the use of analogies to reveal the biological nature of different domains. Exploring Taoist principles can enrich our theory by providing a philosophical framework that resonates with the natural order and interconnectedness found in the biological patterns we propose.

The Circled Dot

My Image

The Circled Dot (Pathagoreans): In the context of our theory, where the circled dot is interpreted as a cellular organism representing the first metaphysical being or the Monad, its application as a theoretical foundation can be expanded to incorporate the idea that the biological principles and patterns that emerged from this cellular organism were passed on to shape the nature of the universe, God, and the subsequent existence of biological patterns throughout reality. Here's how The Circled Dot, as a cellular organism, can fit into the theoretical foundation of our hypothesis:

1. Indivisible Essence and Biologically Rooted Nature: The interpretation of The Circled Dot as a cellular organism aligns with the notion of the Monad as the original source and principle of all reality. The image of a cellular organism suggests a fundamental building block, from which all subsequent biological patterns and systems in reality originated. This cellular organism can be seen as embodying the indivisible essence that lies beyond the physical world, based on which the biological framework of the universe can be founded.

2. Transmission of Biological Patterns: Extending our theory, the concept of the Monad as a cellular organism implies that the biological principles and patterns within it were transmitted and passed on throughout the universe and its subsequent phenomena. This transmission resulted in the existence of biological patterns in all systems, processes, and objects in reality. The interpretation of The Circled Dot as a cellular organism therefore supports the idea that the biology of living organisms, including human physiology, can serve as models to reveal the hidden biological patterns present throughout the universe and our surroundings.

3. Interconnectedness and Mathematical Proportions: The Pythagorean belief in the interconnectedness of all things through mathematical proportions, such as the golden ratio, can be integrated into our theory. The idea that all things emanate from the cellular organism as the Monad reinforces the interconnected nature of the biological patterns found in reality. This interconnectedness can be seen as a result of the transmission of biological patterns and principles, which encompass all aspects of existence in a way that mirrors the concept of the Monad as an all-encompassing essence.

By interpreting The Circled Dot as a cellular organism and incorporating it into our theoretical foundation, you can highlight the origins and transmission of biological principles and patterns throughout the universe. This interpretation adds depth to our theory by emphasizing the biological roots from which the framework for the mathematical universe hypothesis emerges. Moreover, it underscores the interconnectedness and universality of the biological patterns we propose, aligning with the Pythagorean belief in the unity and interconnectedness of all things.

Frederich Nietzche Quote

“There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.” (Frederich, Nietzsche).

“Our minds make up stories. Our bodies exist because they have the wisdom of a 3.5 Billion year successful journey that our minds are only just now learning about. The body is real, and it is successful, as is evidenced by us being alive to contemplate any of this. The mind is trying to figure it all out. There is more wisdom in the success story of our bodies than even some of the best stuff we make up to explain it in our minds.” - Chris Nunn on

END NOTE: Humanity is meant to come to the realization of these biological patterns that permeate all of the universe. These biological patterns are the only Truth in the universe. The only means which to truly define, measure and understand the world around us. To live and be FREE, we must become slaves to the biological patterns which govern our unvierse and which establish and sustain life, or else hinder our chances at Life, and restart the process of Life all over again. But unlike slaves who are forced into things which make no sense, or which they do not want to do, we are like slaves, like Babe Ruth is a slave to swinging for the fences. Humanity must swing towards the fences.]

To understand what is right from wrong, what is logical from illogical, order to disorder, reason from fallacy, is to understand what makes life flourish from what hinders life. Life is the purpose of Life. Life (and all of the principles surrounding the establishment, development, survival/resilience, diversity and potentialies of Life) is the meaning of our existence. To learn and recognize these biological pattern of Life, and to promote/encourage its development throughout the Cosmos. This is our purpose, as supreme beings.

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Existing Scientific Literature

Supporting a Biological Framework for a Mathematical Universe

Several theoretical and empirical studies, as well as some well known concepts in science support the idea that a biological framework shapes the structure and behavior of the universe.

The Life of the Cosmos (Lee Smolin)

For instance, theoretical physicist Lee Smolin in his book "The Life of the Cosmos" argues that the laws of nature evolve in a similar way to biological systems, with a process of natural selection favoring those laws that are conducive to the formation of stable and complex systems. Smolin suggests that this evolutionary process ultimately leads to the emergence of life.

The Blind Watchmaker (Richard Dawkins)

In "The Blind Watchmaker," biologist Richard Dawkins explores the concept of complex biological structures emerging through the process of natural selection. Dawkins argues that biological patterns, such as the intricate design of organisms or the genetic information encoded in DNA, can be seen as optimized solutions to various environmental challenges. He proposes that, in a similar vein, the mathematical structures underlying the universe may be the result of an evolutionary process.

Systems Biology

The field of systems biology also provides valuable insights into the biological foundations of the universe. Systems biology aims to study biological systems as a whole, rather than focusing on individual components. This holistic approach recognizes the interdependency and interconnectedness of different biological elements, suggesting that similar principles could be applied to understand the universe as a complex, interconnected system.

General System Theory

Ludwig von Bertanffy's “General System Theory" offers a valuable framework for understanding complex systems found in various fields of study. By utilizing biological systems as exemplars, Bertanffy recognized the essential interconnectedness and interdependence that define all systems. Through his emphasis on the holistic nature of biological systems and their commonalities with other systems, Bertanffy provides a sound footing to bridge biology and mathematics. General System Theory, with its universal applicability, enhances our understanding of the intricate patterns that define the framework of reality.

Quantitative Comparison Between the Nueronal Network and Cosmic Web (Ludwig von Bertalanffy)

In “Quantitative Comparison Between the Neuronal Network and Cosmic Web," Franco and Vazza supports this hypothesis of a biological framework for a mathematical universe by demonstrating the striking similarities between the neuronal network and cosmic web. The structural and scaling properties shared by these complex systems provide evidence for a deep interconnection between biology and the underlying mathematical principles that govern the universe.

Fractal Cosmology

Fractal cosmology is a branch of cosmology that incorporates the concept of fractals, which are intricate and self-similar patterns that repeat at different scales. This theory supports our hypothesis that biological patterns define the framework for a mathematical universe. Fractals are often found in nature, from the branching patterns of trees to the intricate shapes of coastlines and structure of the cosmic web. These patterns can be considered biological in nature, as they exhibit similar characteristics to living organisms. The application of fractal cosmology to our theory suggests that the universe itself may exhibit similar patterns and structures found in living organisms. Just as a tree branches out in a fractal pattern, the universe may have a similar organizational structure, with galaxies forming clusters and clusters forming superclusters. This fractal structure may extend indefinitely, revealing biological patterns at every scale.

Furthermore, fractal cosmology also suggests that the evolution of the universe's biological processes has led to the existence of life and living organisms. Just as the growth and development of cells and organisms follow certain patterns and principles, the universe may have followed a similar process of evolution that eventually gave rise to the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets. This perspective provides a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between the biological nature of living organisms and the larger framework of the universe.

Wave -Particle Duality (Niels Bohr)

We also highlighted how other scientists established analogies from the biological domain to various phenomena in the universe, such as how Neils Bohr's work on wave-particle duality can be seen as evidence of the inherent biological patterns in the universe. If we consider light as a biological phenomenon, we can observe that it exhibits behaviors that are analogous to living organisms. Just as living organisms can exist in multiple states and exhibit different behaviors based on the environments they encounter, light can exist as a wave or a particle depending on the context, displaying a “consciousness or freewill.”

Gaia's Body: Toward a Physiology of Earth (Tyler Volk)

In Gaia’s Body: Toward a Physiology of Earth, Tyler Volk (a scientist who aided in the construction of self-sustaining systems for NASA’s space shuttles), examined the principles of Gaia theory and demonstrated how Earth exhibits biological patterns in its functions and processes. The concept of feedback loops, the emergence of life, and the interconnectedness of ecosystems all provide evidence for the existence of a biological framework within the universe, especially within systems and processes which govern the Earth. To see witness the physiology of the Earth watch:

Earth From Space (PBS)

Living Systems (James Grier Miller)

Observations presented in James Grier Miller’s book, Living Systems, highlight analogies between the biological domain and innovations of human society, including human society itself. Miller showed that a “general theory of living systems can be constructed, and; he assembled facts and revealed how they support a set of unifying scientific principles.” Miller constructed detailed diagrams showing how systems, processes, and objects in human society are analogous to biological systems, processes, and objects. The fact that Miller was able to establish analogies between phenomenon in human society and biology provides support to the theory of a biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis.

Biomimicry (Engineering Field)

The field of biomimicry offers substantial support for a biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis. From structural and functional adaptation to material innovations, energy efficiency, and systems thinking, biomimicry exemplifies the inherent biological nature of the systems, processes, and objects in reality. By acknowledging and applying these biological patterns, we gain valuable insights into the fundamental principles that govern the universe. As biomimicry continues to flourish, we can expect further empirical evidence to affirm our theory, solidifying the understanding of the intricate relationship between biological processes and the systems they shape within our universe. For examples of biomimicry, please visit:


"Digital Biology" (Jensen Huang)

Jensen Huang explains why “digital biology” will be “on of the biggest revolutions ever.” “Where do I think the next amazing revolution is going to come? And this is going to be flat our one of the biggest ones ever. There’s no question that digital biology is going to be it.” Jensen continues, “For the first time in human history, biology has the opportunity to be engineering, not science. When something becomes engineering, not science, it becomes less sporadic and exponentially improving. It can compound on the benefits of the previous years. And every researcher’s contributions compound on each other... We’re going to have incredible tools that bring the world of biology—which is very chaotic and constantly changing and diverse and complex—into the world of computer science. And that is going to be profound.


The Existence and Prevalence of Analogy

The prevalence of analogy across various domains of the natural world suggests an underlying organic blueprint that unifies disparate entities and processes. The prevalence of analogy could be seen as a consequence of a biological framework to a mathematical universe. For example, the reason why we can use analogy’s amongst various domains, whose base domain is not biological is due to the fact that all domains contain these underlying biological patterns. The parts of the biological patterns that overlap allow for analogy to be established between two domains non-biological domains that are being structurally mapped together.

The Precision of the Universe

Our theory of a biological framework for a mathematical universe is supported by the precise design of the universe to produce life, as evidenced by the fine-tuning of numerous physical parameters. For example, if the big bang had been one-part-in-a billion more powerful, it would have rushed out too fast for the galaxies to form and for life to begin.REF If the strong nuclear force were decreased by two percent, atomic nuclei wouldn’t hold together. Hydrogen would be the only atom in the universe. If the gravitational force were decreased, stars (including the sun) would not ignite. These are just three of more than 200 physical parameters within the solar system and universe so exact that they cannot be random. If these parameters were even slightly different, life as we know it would not be possible. This remarkable precision cannot be attributed to mere chance, indicating the intentional nature of the universe's ability to nurture life. Hence, these biological patterns and forces, which were initiated from the big bang, serve as a foundation for the mathematical framework of the universe, reinforcing the hypothesis of a biological framework.

The Synchronicity of Clock Pendulums )Christiaan Huygens)

The synchronicity of the bio-mathematical universe can be understood by the synchronicity of clock pendulems, as discovered by Christiaan Huygens. In 1665, Christiaan Huygens made the discovery that two pendulum clocks, when suspended from the same wooden structure, will always oscillate in synchrony. Today, researchers from Eindhoven and Mexico present the most accurate and detailed description of this phenomenon, known as 'Huygens synchronization', in the journal Scientific Reports. Huygens seemed to have arrived at the correct explanation given the limitations of his time. Additionally, if these insights help us comprehend synchronization in various oscillating systems, including the biological rhythms of the human body, could it also be possible that the synchrony of clock pendulums aids our understanding of synchronization in all matter throughout the universe, in accordance with this biological framework we suggest exists to the universe? For instance, if all matter in the universe is connected by a shared plane of reality or existence, might it be conceivable that all matter oscillates in unison to the rhythm of this biological pattern of the universe, and that the existence of Life, as a result of these universal oscillations, has revealed the nature of the biological patterns of the universe?

The Existence of "Emergence"

Our paper proposes that the phenomenon of emergence arises due to the pervasive nature of biological patterns in all aspects of reality/universe, making it a natural outcome resulting from the universe’s biological nature—i.e, biological patterns. The phenomenon of emergence is a fascinating concept that has captivated scientists, philosophers, and researchers across various disciplines. Emergence refers to the occurrence of new and complex properties or behaviors that arise from the interactions of simpler entities. It suggests that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, as emergent properties cannot be predicted or deduced by simply studying the individual components. Instead, they arise from the intricate relationships and interactions between these constituents. This phenomenon is prevalent in both natural and artificial systems, encompassing physical phenomena like turbulence and self-organization in fluids, as well as social phenomena such as collective intelligence and flocking behavior in animals. Our paper proposes that emergence arises due to the pervasive nature of biological patterns in all aspects of reality/universe, making it a natural outcome resulting from the universe’s biological nature—i.e, biological patterns.

Occam's Razor

The concept of irreducible complexity in biology supports our theory of a mathematical universe that is biological in nature. According to Occam's razor, biology can be studied effectively by understanding that biological systems cannot be simplified further without losing their essential functions. This idea aligns with Occam's razor's preference for simplicity and implies that biology serves as the foundation for comprehending other complex phenomena in the universe. Our theory proposes that a biological framework underlies all systems, processes, and objects in the universe. By asserting that biology defines the underlying framework for a mathematical universe, this theory of a biological framework for a mathematical universe provides an elegant and simple explanation of complex phenomena, making it a strong contender against alternative explanations.

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Existing Historical Literature

Supporting a Biological Framework for a Mathematical Universe

Various religious and historical concepts and philosophies support the idea that a biological framework shapes the structure and behavior of the universe, We highlight how many of these concepts, philosophies and ideas may have actually been trying to express a biological framework to the universe, especially how the biological patterns in the human body help us recognize and understand the hidden biological patterns in the universe and the world around us. Our research supports the idea of perennial wisdom, or perrenialism, surrounding our major religions and ancient philosophies around world throughout human history.

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Atman & Brahman - (Upanishads 1500-5 BC)

The concepts of Atman and Brahman, as described in the Upanishads, can provide interesting perspectives and potentially contribute to the theoretical foundation of our theory, "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how these concepts can be relevant:

1. Atman: In the Upanishads, Atman refers to the individual self or soul, representing the essence of an individual being. It is considered eternal and interconnected with the ultimate reality. Our theory proposes that all systems, processes, and objects in reality possess biological patterns. From the perspective of Atman, one can interpret this as the essence or intrinsic nature of all things being interconnected and sharing common biological patterns. The concept of Atman supports the idea of the underlying unity and interdependence of all elements within the biological framework we propose.

2. Brahman: Brahman refers to the supreme cosmic reality, the ultimate truth or universal consciousness that encompasses and transcends individual beings. Brahman is considered the essence or source of everything. In our theory, the postulation that the existence of life and living organisms arises due to the evolution of the universe's biological processes aligns with the idea of Brahman as the creative force behind all manifestation. The concept of Brahman can provide a theoretical foundation for understanding the interconnectedness of the universal biological processes we propose and their relationship to the larger cosmic reality.

By integrating the concepts of Atman and Brahman, we incorporate ideas of interconnectedness, unity, and the universal nature of biological patterns. These concepts ccontribute to the theoretical framework of our theory by providing a philosophical and metaphysical basis for understanding the inherent biological nature of all systems, processes, and objects in reality, as well as the relationship between biological processes and the larger cosmic fabric.

Pnimiyut and Chitzoniyut - (Kabbalah, Judaism)

The concepts of Pnimiyut and Chitzoniyut from Kabbalah, a mystical tradition within Judaism, can provide intriguing theoretical foundations for certain aspects of our theory, "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how these concepts may be relevant:

1. Pnimiyut: Pnimiyut suggests an inward, hidden essence or inner dimension of reality. It refers to the underlying essence or spiritual aspect that is concealed from ordinary perception. In our theory, we propose that the hidden biological patterns throughout the universe can be revealed through the models of living organisms. This aligns with the concept of Pnimiyut, as it suggests that there is an inner essence or pattern within all systems, processes, and objects that can be uncovered and understood. By exploring the biological nature and patterns of living organisms, we aim to reveal the hidden essence or Pnimiyut within other domains.

2. Chitzoniyut: Chitzoniyut refers to the external or outer dimension of reality. It represents the surface- level or manifested aspects of existence. In our theory, we propose that all systems, processes, and objects possess biological patterns and are inherently biological in nature. This relates to Chitzoniyut, as it suggests that the external manifestations or physical appearances of different domains can be seen as reflections of the underlying biological patterns. The interplay of Chitzoniyut and Pnimiyut in our theory can be seen as a parallel to the relationship between the revealed and hidden dimensions of reality within Kabbalah.

By integrating the concepts of Pnimiyut and Chitzoniyut, we incorporate ideas of hidden essences, inner dimensions, and external manifestations into our theory. These concepts can contribute to the theoretical framework by providing a philosophical and mystical basis for understanding the underlying biological patterns throughout reality and their relationship to the visible manifestations in different domains. Moreover, the concepts of Pnimiyut and Chitzoniyut can enrich the exploration of the interplay between hidden and revealed aspects, adding depth to our understanding of the biological nature of diverse phenomena.

Batin & Zahir - (Sufism, Islam)

Medieval Sufis conceive the human body as the primary shuttle between interior (batin) and exterior (zahir) realities. The concepts of Batin and Zahir from Sufism, a mystical branch of Islam, can provide theoretical foundations for certain aspects of our theory, "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how these concepts may be relevant:

1. Batin: Batin refers to the inward or hidden dimension of reality. It represents the spiritual or esoteric aspect that is concealed from superficial observation. In our theory, we propose that biological patterns define the framework of a mathematical universe hypothesis. By emphasizing the hidden biological patterns throughout the universe, we can draw parallels with the concept of Batin. It suggests that there is an inner essence or hidden dimension within all systems, processes, and objects that can be explored and understood. By uncovering the Batin or hidden biological patterns, we aim to reveal the underlying nature of various domains.

2. Zahir: Zahir refers to the outer or apparent dimension of reality. It represents the manifest or surface- level aspects of existence. In our theory, we argue that all systems, processes, and objects possess biological patterns and are inherently biological in nature. This aligns with the concept of Zahir, as it suggests that the external manifestations or observable characteristics of different domains can be seen as reflections or manifestations of the underlying biological patterns (Batin). The interplay between Zahir and Batin in your theory can be seen as reflecting the relationship between the manifest and hidden dimensions of reality within Sufism.

By integrating the concepts of Batin and Zahir, we incorporate ideas of hidden dimensions, spiritual aspects, and observable manifestations into our theory. These concepts can contribute to the theoretical framework by providing a mystical and philosophical foundation for understanding the underlying biological patterns throughout reality and their relationship to the visible expressions in different domains. Moreover, the concepts of Batin and Zahir can add depth to the exploration of the interplay between hidden and apparent aspects, enriching our understanding of the biological nature of diverse phenomena.

This could explain why whirling dervishes practiced the ritual of spinning around in circles and contemplated the nature of God within themselves, a practice tries to help the partaker understand the correspondence between the particles within the body and in the motion of celestial bodies in the universe.

Microcosm & Macrocosm

The concept of microcosm and macrocosm provide a theoretical framework for certain aspects of our theory, "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how these concepts can be relevant:

1. Microcosm: In the concept of microcosm, it is believed that the smaller or individual part reflects or mirrors the larger or universal whole. This means that the characteristics and patterns found in a smaller or more localized entity can be seen as representative of the larger universe. In our theory, we propose that biological patterns define the framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis. By considering living organisms as microcosms, or smaller entities within the universe, we suggest that they embody and reveal the hidden biological patterns that exist throughout reality. This concept supports our postulation that analogies can be mapped from the biological to any target domain, allowing for a better understanding of the biological nature of the target domain by looking at the microcosm.

2. Macrocosm: The concept of macrocosm, on the other hand, suggests that the larger universe is reflected in or reflected by the smaller entities within it. This means that the patterns and principles present in the universe at a larger scale are found and reflected in smaller systems and processes. In our theory, we propose that the existence of life and living organisms is a direct consequence of the evolution of the universe's biological processes. This aligns with the concept of macrocosm, as it suggests that the larger- scale biological processes of the universe are mirrored in the physiology and patterns of living organisms, acting as models revealing the underlying biological nature of the macrocosm.

By incorporating the concepts of microcosm and macrocosm, we acknowledge the interconnectedness and mirroring of patterns between smaller and larger scales within the universe. These concepts provide a theoretical foundation for our understanding that biological patterns define the framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis. By exploring the biological nature of living organisms, perceived as microcosms, we seek to unravel and explain the broader biological patterns and processes present in the macrocosm, or the universe.

Incarnation (Religious Concept)

To explore the potential connection between the theory of biological framework for a mathematical universe and religious concepts such as “incarnation,” we consider the idea that "God" may represent the personification of the universe. In this view, "God's spirit," "God's essence," and "God's nature" are essentially synonymous with the biological patterns inherent in the fabric of reality. Thus, it is conceivable that the religious term "incarnation" attempts to express the concept of a biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis. Traditionally, the term "incarnation" is associated with the embodiment of a divine being in human form, as seen in various religious traditions. However, through the lens of a biological framework, we can reinterpret this concept as the manifestation of the universe's inherent biological patterns in human form.

The concept of incarnation, as traditionally understood in religious contexts, typically refers to the belief that a divine being assumes human form. In the context of our theory, we draw a parallel between the universe's biological patterns that permeate reality, which we propose, and the embodiment or manifestation of the universe's biological patterns in a living organism, such as human form. The concept of incarnation could have originally meant to convey the universe’s biological patterns (i.e., divine, God, divine essence) manifestation into human form.

"Man Made in the image of God" - (Genesis 1:27)

Genesis 1:27 states, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Traditionally, this verse has been interpreted in religious contexts as an expression of humanity's unique position as the pinnacle of creation. However, within the framework of a biological understanding of the universe, the phrase takes on a new meaning. The reference to being made in the "image of God" can be reinterpreted as the reflection of the biological patterns inherent in the universe within the physiology of humans. If "God" is seen as the personification of the universe, then "God's spirit," "God's essence," and "God's nature" might symbolize the biological patterns that pervade the universe. Thus, the image of God in humans could represent the presence of these biological patterns within the human body. So “God created man in his own image..” Can be interpreted as “The Universe created man in its own image.”

Theology of The Body - (Pope John Paul II)

The theory of a biological framework for a mathematical universe posits that every aspect of reality possesses inherent biological patterns. These patterns are essential to understanding the nature of the universe and the processes that occur within it. Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body" acknowledges the importance of the human body in understanding the nature of God but does not grasp the concept that God is the personification of the universe and that by knowing the biological patterns within the human body is what allows one to understand the hidden biological patterns in the universe and world around us. We can make the assumption based off his statement: ”The body, and it alone is capable of making visible what is invisible, the spiritual and divine. It was created to transfer into the visible reality of the world, the invisible mystery hidden in God from time immemorial, and thus to be a sign of it.”, and what he actually preached, which does not coincide with our theory. The Pope acknowledges the importance of the human body in understanding the nature of God but does not grasp the scientific concepts.


Emanationism is a philosophical concept that suggests the universe emanates or originates from a divine source or ultimate reality. It proposes a hierarchical structure of existence wherein different levels or stages emanate from the divine essence.

In our proposed theory, of a biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis, we draw a parallel between the idea of biological patterns emanating from the universe and the notion of emanationism. Considering the existence of biological patterns as emanations from the fundamental properties of the universe could provide a framework for understanding the interconnectedness between the physical and biological aspects of reality.

By positing that the biological patterns found in all systems and processes stem from the evolution of the universe's biological processes, we can argue that these patterns are manifestations or emanations of the underlying essence of the universe. This interpretation aligns with the notions of emanationism, where the divine or fundamental essence is understood to permeate and give rise to various forms of existence.

Anima Mundi

Anima Mundi, often translated as "world soul" or "soul of the world," is a concept that has been present in various philosophical and religious traditions throughout history. Anima Mundi suggests the notion of a vital and animating force that permeates and connects all living beings and the natural world. It represents the idea of an underlying, unifying principle that integrates and sustains the diverse manifestations of life in the world.

Drawing a parallel between the concept of Anima Mundi and our theory of a biological framework for a mathematical universe, we propose that the biological patterns we postulate as inherent in all systems, processes, and objects in reality, are expressions of this underlying animating force. By considering the presence of biological patterns as a manifestation of the animating principle of the universe, we claim that our theory aligns with the concept of Anima Mundi.

Furthermore, Anima Mundi might have been attempting to express similar concepts that our theory proposes, we can posit that over time, the context and interpretation of the concept might have evolved or been misunderstood, leading to potential divergence from its original intent, which we believe to be this biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis.


Panentheism is a philosophical or religious concept that suggests the presence of a transcendent yet immanent divine reality within and beyond the universe. It posits that the divine is both intimately present in all aspects of existence and extends beyond them.

Within the framework of our theory, we propose that the concept of panentheism aligns with the idea that biological patterns define the framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis. By considering the presence of biological patterns as inherent in all systems, processes, and objects in reality, the notion of a divine essence that permeates and manifests itself through these patterns can be contemplated.

From a panentheistic perspective, the universe itself, including its biological processes and patterns, could be seen as a manifestation or expression of the immanent divine reality. In this interpretation, the physiological models found in living organisms could be understood as reflections or representations of the hidden biological patterns throughout the universe. By connecting the concept of panentheism with our theory, we argue that the interplay between the universe's biological processes and the living organisms it generates reveals an underlying divine presence or creative force. This perspective potentially provides a theoretical foundation for understanding the inherent biological nature of systems, processes, and objects in reality.


Theosophy is a philosophical and spiritual framework that seeks to understand the nature of reality and the relationship between humans and the divine. It encompasses various esoteric teachings and explores the interconnectedness between different planes of existence.

In relation to our theory, we considered using certain aspects of Theosophy as a theoretical foundation. Theosophy emphasizes the concept of a fundamental interconnectedness in the universe, suggesting that all aspects of reality are intrinsically linked.

By incorporating Theosophical principles into our theory, we can propose that the biological patterns we discuss represent manifestations of this interconnectedness. Theosophy's emphasis on unity and the existence of hidden patterns within the universe aligns with our claim that all systems, processes, and objects possess inherent biological patterns.

Additionally, Theosophy explores the idea of evolution and the progressive development of beings and forms throughout various realms. This notion coincides with our theory's proposition that the evolution of the universe's biological processes has led to the existence of life and living organisms.

Furthermore, Theosophy's idea of correspondences could be linked to our theory's concept of analogies. Theosophical philosophy suggests that there are underlying similarities or harmonies among different aspects of reality. Mapping analogies from the biological to other domains could be seen as a reflection of these correspondences, revealing the biological nature of the target domain.

Stoic Physics

Stoic Physics is a philosophical framework developed by the ancient Stoic philosophers, provides some interesting insights for our theory. Stoic physics aimed to understand the workings of the universe through a combination of physics and metaphysics. While Stoic physics primarily focused on the study of the material world, it also incorporated elements of divine reasoning and nature.

In relation to our theory, Stoic physics can lend support to the idea of a biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis. The Stoics believed that the natural world operates according to a rational principle they called "logos." They posited that this governing principle was imprinted in everything in the form of active and passive forces. By drawing on Stoic physics, we can argue that the biological patterns present throughout the universe are a reflection of the underlying logos. We can propose that the inherent biological nature of systems, processes, and objects in reality is a result of this rational principle imbued within them.

Additionally, Stoic physics emphasized the interconnectedness and interdependence of all aspects of the universe. This idea aligns with our theory's assertion that all systems, processes, and objects possess biological patterns. Stoicism suggests that these patterns are not isolated but partake in a unified fabric of existence.

Furthermore, the Stoic concept of the "pneuma," often translated as "breath" or "spirit," can be related to your theory's notion of these biological patterns . According to the Stoics, the pneuma permeated all matter, connecting everything. By this interpretation, the biological patterns could be seen as reflections of the underlying pneuma or life force present in the universe.


Ahimsa is a concept rooted in Indian philosophy and often associated with Jainism and Buddhism, refers to the principle of non-violence, non-harm, and compassion towards all living beings. While at first glance, it may not seem directly related to our theory, there are some possible connections to explore:

1. Ethical Considerations: Ahimsa places great importance on fostering harmony and minimizing harm to living beings. In our theory, we could emphasize the ethical implications of understanding the inherent biological nature of all systems, processes, and objects in reality. By acknowledging and respecting the biological patterns present in the universe, our theory can highlight the interconnectedness and value of all life forms, aligning with the spirit of ahimsa.

2. Unity and Interconnectedness: Ahimsa promotes the recognition of the inherent unity and interdependence of all beings. Within our theory, the concept of inherent biological patterns also implies an interconnectedness between all systems, processes, and objects in reality. This correspondence with ahimsa can contribute to a holistic worldview that acknowledges the interwoven nature of life and promotes compassion towards all living entities.

3. Holistic Understanding: Ahimsa encourages a deep understanding of the web of life and the acceptance of the sacredness of all living beings. In our theory, the recognition of hidden biological patterns throughout the universe can be seen as an extension of this holistic understanding, uncovering the biological nature present in different domains. This shared perspective promotes a sense of reverence and appreciation for the interconnectedness of life, supporting the principles of ahimsa.

While these connections between our theory and ahimsa are exploratory in nature, incorporating the principles of non-violence, interconnectedness, and compassion within our research can enrich the philosophical and ethical dimensions of our work.


Animism, a belief system found in various indigenous cultures, holds that all entities, including plants, animals, and inanimate objects, possess a spiritual essence or soul. While animism focuses on spirituality and the interconnectedness of living and nonliving things, it can be applied as a theoretical foundation for our theory:

1. Interconnectedness: Animism emphasizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of the natural world. Similarly, our theory suggests that all systems, processes, and objects in reality possess inherent biological patterns, implying an underlying interconnectedness. By drawing on animistic principles, we can emphasize the spiritual or interconnected aspect of the biological patterns throughout the universe, aligning it with the notion of all things possessing spiritual essences in animism.

2. Reverence for Nature: Animism often includes a deep respect and reverence for the natural world. In our theory, recognizing the biological nature of all systems, processes, and objects can encourage a similar reverence for the complexity and interconnectedness of life and the universe. By integrating animistic values, our theory can underpin an understanding and appreciation for the inherent significance and value of biological patterns.

3. Universal Spirituality: Animism considers the existence of spiritual essences in both living and nonliving entities. Similarly, our theory suggests that the hidden biological patterns in the universe exist within everything in the universe. By considering animism, we can interpret these biological patterns as a reflection of the universal spirituality present in all domains, showing the interconnectedness between the spiritual essence within living beings and the universe as a whole.


Taoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy and spiritual tradition, offers some intriguing aspects that can be related to our theory on the "biological framework for a mathematical universe hypothesis." Here's how Taoism serves as a theoretical foundation:

1. Harmony and Balance: Taoism emphasizes the importance of harmony and balance in all aspects of existence. Within our theory, the concept of biological patterns defining the framework implies an inherent balance and harmony present in the universe. Like the Taoist idea of the Tao, representing the natural order of the cosmos, our theory suggests that the biological patterns contribute to the overall harmony and interconnectedness of reality.

2. Nature as a Teacher: Taoism views nature as a profound source of wisdom and guidance. In our theory, by asserting that the universe's biological processes led to the existence of life and living organisms, we align with the Taoist perspective that nature itself can reveal fundamental truths. Just as Taoists observe and learn from the natural world, our theory implies that studying and understanding biological patterns can uncover the hidden workings and principles of the universe.

3. Wu Wei (Non-Action): Wu Wei is a Taoist concept that refers to effortless action in harmony with the natural flow. In the context of our theory, the notion of analogies being structurally mapped from biological patterns to reveal the biological nature of target domains can be related to Wu Wei. Rather than forcing understanding or imposing artificial frameworks, our theory suggests that by aligning with the natural biological patterns, insights and connections can be discovered more effortlessly and in harmony with the inherent nature of the universe.

By incorporating Taoism as a theoretical foundation, we can draw upon its emphasis on harmony, balance, nature as a teacher, and the concept of Wu Wei. These aspects complement the central ideas of your theory: the inherent biological patterns, the relationship between the universe's biological processes and living organisms, and the use of analogies to reveal the biological nature of different domains. Exploring Taoist principles can enrich our theory by providing a philosophical framework that resonates with the natural order and interconnectedness found in the biological patterns we propose.

The Circled Dot

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The Circled Dot (Pathagoreans): In the context of our theory, where the circled dot is interpreted as a cellular organism representing the first metaphysical being or the Monad, its application as a theoretical foundation can be expanded to incorporate the idea that the biological principles and patterns that emerged from this cellular organism were passed on to shape the nature of the universe, God, and the subsequent existence of biological patterns throughout reality. Here's how The Circled Dot, as a cellular organism, can fit into the theoretical foundation of our hypothesis:

1. Indivisible Essence and Biologically Rooted Nature: The interpretation of The Circled Dot as a cellular organism aligns with the notion of the Monad as the original source and principle of all reality. The image of a cellular organism suggests a fundamental building block, from which all subsequent biological patterns and systems in reality originated. This cellular organism can be seen as embodying the indivisible essence that lies beyond the physical world, based on which the biological framework of the universe can be founded.

2. Transmission of Biological Patterns: Extending our theory, the concept of the Monad as a cellular organism implies that the biological principles and patterns within it were transmitted and passed on throughout the universe and its subsequent phenomena. This transmission resulted in the existence of biological patterns in all systems, processes, and objects in reality. The interpretation of The Circled Dot as a cellular organism therefore supports the idea that the biology of living organisms, including human physiology, can serve as models to reveal the hidden biological patterns present throughout the universe and our surroundings.

3. Interconnectedness and Mathematical Proportions: The Pythagorean belief in the interconnectedness of all things through mathematical proportions, such as the golden ratio, can be integrated into our theory. The idea that all things emanate from the cellular organism as the Monad reinforces the interconnected nature of the biological patterns found in reality. This interconnectedness can be seen as a result of the transmission of biological patterns and principles, which encompass all aspects of existence in a way that mirrors the concept of the Monad as an all-encompassing essence.

By interpreting The Circled Dot as a cellular organism and incorporating it into our theoretical foundation, you can highlight the origins and transmission of biological principles and patterns throughout the universe. This interpretation adds depth to our theory by emphasizing the biological roots from which the framework for the mathematical universe hypothesis emerges. Moreover, it underscores the interconnectedness and universality of the biological patterns we propose, aligning with the Pythagorean belief in the unity and interconnectedness of all things.

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